The Season of Good Will and Peace
The holidays are right around the corner and people everywhere are starting to think about turkey, presents, time off, and time with loved ones. Some people aren’t as fortunate as others.
Owen’s Ark Veterinary Clinic has had the blessed ability to work with a great organization in our area for the past several years. The Ottawa County Holiday Bureau works tirelessly for our neighbors and beyond that need a helping hand. Poverty is much closer to home than we would believe. Last year they were fortunate to be able to help 733 families in Ottawa County. When broken down that includes 2,285 individuals- 1056 of those being children less than 18 years of age; a staggering figure by any means. In Clay, Allen, and Harris townships there were 171 families with a total of 525 individuals- 347 adults and 178 children. These families are just like you and I, they have fallen on hard times and would never ask for help much less broadcast their plight. This is where we come in.
The Holiday Bureau is asking for simple things that can be purchased anywhere. In addition, monetary donations are also much appreciated to purchase items they are in short supply of. These items include…
Basic: baking supplies, beverages (coffee, tea, juices), cake mixes, cereal, condiments, cookies, crackers, canned fruit and vegetables, gelatin, pudding, macaroni & cheese, noodles/pasta/rice, peanut butter, jelly, raisins, soups, spaghetti sauce, stuffing, sugar free items, snacks
Options: hats, mittens, socks, toothpaste, shampoo, kitchen supplies, laundry supplies, soap/body wash, paper towels, toilet paper.
It doesn’t seem like much, but to some it means the difference between dinner, warm hands, or being clean. Things we may not think that much about on a daily basis and take somewhat for granted. It could be your neighbor, your co-worker, the kindly face you pass everyday on your way to work, or that friendly woman walking her dog that you wave to every afternoon. We just don’t know what others are going through.
In this time of good will, be kind. It may not take much from you but could be the difference to someone else. When it all comes down to it, all we have in this world is each other. Let’s make it a friendly world, a helpful one; one where our children may never know what it feels like to go without.
We will be accepting donations at the clinic until Monday, December 5th. Let’s come together for each other and make this the best holiday season for everyone!!!